Una novela de Fernando Vallejo.
«La Virgen de los Sicarios es una descarnada parodia de la violencia que afectó a Medellín durante el auge del cartel dirigido por Pablo Escobar. Aquí Vallejo se representa como un anciano homosexual de conservadoras costumbres y de espíritu elitista que se dedica a la gramática y que regresa a su ciudad natal después de largos años de exilio en busca de amantes adolescentes y en espera de la muerte. Con humor cáustico describe la ciudad y sus habitantes, nada escapa a su afán desacralizador y a su mirada critica.»--María Mercedes Jaramillo, Gaceta de Colombia
"Our Lady of the Assassins is the most beautiful, delirious tribute to love and loss that literature has given us in a long while." -Le Figaro littéraire
In the weakening of a society that has broken with its values and its past, in which hired assassins and hitmen are children, and in which impunity is the norm and violence the air that is breathed, through the crowded streets of Medellín, in a teeming crowd of the unemployed and panhandlers, of thieves and bandits, street vendors and cokeheads, walk the crazy (or lucid) narrator and his lover, a killer teenager, trying to make amends for one wrong with another.
When nothing is left but to pray and sprinkle the bullets with holy water, the tiny church of María Auxiliadora in the town of Sabaneta becomes a sanctuary for hitmen pilgrims and at the same time a focal point for this amazing novel.